Referee Resources and Education
At WYSA we strive to constantly improve the level of our officiating of games every season. Officiating games is a challenging role in our current culture and we have built and continue to build a staff, resources, training and mentoring to help our referees in the best way possible. It is also crucial that we continue to build our pool of referees not only for WYSA but for the greater Indianapolis soccer community.
Anyone seeking to learn more about officiating WYSA, Indy Eleven Academy matches and events can reach out to the staff listed below and use the resources and links below to enhance learning and training.
For new referees the link directly below is the entry level online course through US Soccer which costs $70 or $40 for those Under 18 years of age.
Once a referee officiates 12 matches for WYSA we will cover all costs associated with the courses and or recertifications up to a certain referee grade. Those interested can contact us about that process.
Playing Formats
Age Group Format's
U5/U6 age groups play 3v3. Matches will be scheduled both on weekends and some weekdays. Matches will involve a 10 minute warm up and then the 40 minute match.
U7/U8 age group will play 4v4. They will train one night per week and play matches on the weekend and the occasional midweek as needed. Games will be 44 minutes in length for U7 and 48 for U8. U7s will not have referees and the coaches will handle calling the match while for Spring of 22 U8s will have referees.
U10 age group will play 7v7 or 6 outfield players with one goalkeeper. Each team trains one night a week with matches on the weekend with the occasional midweek as needed. Included in this age group is a end of season tournament. Each game will be two 25 minute halves.
U12 Age group will play 9v9 or 8v8 depending on total registration numbers. Games will be 30 minute halves. Each team trains one night a week with matches on the weekend with the occasional midweek as needed. Included in this age group is a end of season tournament.
U14 - 18 age groups will play 7v7 up to 9v9 on a 9v9 field. Each game will consist of 35 minute halves. Each team trains one night a week with matches on the weekend with the occasional midweek as needed. Included in this age group is a end of season tournament.
Contact WYSA
WYSA Recreational Director
Phone: 317-500-9929
For other referee related questions please reach out to:
Referee Assignors:
Nathan Sinders
Leigh Heck
Referee Education and Mentoring contact:
Bruce Carlstedt
US Soccer Entry Level Online Referee Course
Indiana Soccer Referee Association
2020-2021 FIFA Laws of the Game
Official Sports link for Uniforms and other Referee Equipment