WYSA Indy Eleven Academy Recreational Soccer
Spring '25 Registration Now Open
Program Fees are $160 (U5 to U8), $180 (U10 to U19)
After the registration soft deadline there is a $10 late registration fee.
Additionally, registration will close for age groups prior to that date if they fill up. After an age group fills up players can register up until we start creating rosters but players will be placed on a waitlist and you will be contacted only if and when we have spots open up.
Once rosters begin being created there will no further additions unless there are extenuating circumstances internally or externally and also at that stage there will only be partial refunds if a player is withdrawn (Certain uncontrollable situations will obviously be exceptions to this policy).
The Westfield Youth Soccer Association partnered with Indy Eleven, is the Recreational program of the Indy Eleven Academy. Soccer participation starts at age 4 and continues through high school seniors.
All WYSA youth soccer games are coached by parent volunteers. Coaching resources and Information about our coaching education programming can be found on our coaching and commissioners page HERE
Many additional questions can be answered by going to our FAQs page at the top of this page.
The WYSA youth program has two separate seasons, Fall and Spring.
Fall Season:
Registration opens the first week in June
Registration closes July 15 or when an age group is full with an extensive waitlist or whichever comes first. Some age groups will remain open past these dates but it is important to register early as WYSA has been filling up earlier in recent years
Rosters are finalized at the end of July
Practice schedule created and released 1st week of August
Games Schedules released 2nd week of August
Practice begins mid August
Games start the 3rd week of August
Season Ends by the 2nd week in October
Spring Season:
Registration opens first week in January
Registration closes March 1st or when an age group is full with an extensive waitlist or whichever comes first. Some age groups will remain open past these dates but it is important to register early as WYSA has been filling up earlier in recent years
Rosters are finalized the third week in march
Practice schedules are released the last week in March
Games schedules are released the end of the first week of April
Practice begins the second week of April generally (depends upon WWSC spring break dates, weather)
Games begin 2nd or 3rd full weekend in April
Season ends first full weekend in June with some games played that following week depending on weather issues throughout the spring
The cost is $160 for under 5s to under 8s and $180 for Under 10s and up. All practices and games are held at the Grand Park Sports Campus.
Our Pro Affiliations:
In partnership with Indy Eleven for our recreational soccer program, you also receive the additional benefit of 2 tickets to an upcoming Indy Eleven game included in your registration. Please keep a look out for more offers and contests from Indy Eleven in the coming weeks. Feel free to follow them on FACEBOOK, TWITTER, INSTAGRAM – and your son/daughter’s new favorite platform, TIKTOK! Please sign up for our newsletter or download the Indy Eleven APP from Android and Apple stores, so you always get the latest updates on your hometown professional club.
Please bookmark this page to keep up with what's going with the WYSA Recreational Soccer program! Also, don't forget to like us on Facebook and Twitter for up-to-the-minute updates!

Contact WYSA
WYSA Director
Director of Referee Education and Development
Head Referee Assignor
Assistant Referee Assignor
Recreational Program
PO Box 346 Westfield, IN 46074